Stevie Wonder
1982, Rhythm & Blues,Soul,Funk,Disco
A1.Isn't She Lovely / A2.I Ain't Gonna Stand For It / A3.As If You Read My Mind / A4.Blame It On The Sun / B1.The Secret Life Of Plants / B2.Lately / B3.Superstition / B4.Too High / C1.Superwoman / C2.Boogie On Reggae Woman / C3.I Wish / D1.Did I Hear You Say You Love Me / D2.Maybe Your Baby / D3.Pastime Paradise / D4.If It's Magic / E1.You Are The Sunshine Of My Life / E2.As / E3.Love Having You Around / F1.Higher Ground / F2.Another Star / F3.Visions / G1.Master Blaster (Jammin') / G2.Black Man / G3.Don't You Worry 'Bout A Thing / H1.They Won't Go When I Go / H2.Send On Your Love (Vocal) / H3.The First Garden / H4.Happy Birthday
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Dernière mise à jour le 03/11/2023
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Format | 1 x Compilation/4 x LP,Compilation |
Année | 1982 |
Label | Motown |
Ref | 2-58.014/15/16/17 |
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